![The image shows colorful round paper slips with ideas for platform design](https://digitalservice.bund.de/media/pages/blog/rki-und-dataport-uebernehmen-wir-verabschieden-uns-von-agora/89f132682d-1675243806/rki-und-dataport-uebernehmen-cover.jpg)
![A mock-up of the home page of the Agora collaboration platform](https://digitalservice.bund.de/media/pages/projekte/agora/385451b8aa-1701103733/agora_header.png)
Collaboration platform for public health services
Communication by fax, double checking by phone, no central data repositories: The coronavirus pandemic threw a harsh spotlight on the many analog processes that still existed in our healthcare system and pushed them to their limits.
We worked with the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) to develop a collaboration platform that gives the nearly 400 public health authorities throughout Germany a readily accessible and intuitive way to connect, share information digitally, and work together. What really makes Agora special is that it is a Web-based application, so the various offices can use it regardless of their different IT equipment. After the successful launch, we handed Agora off to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and Dataport as the IT service provider.
Status: Live
Handed off to RKI and Dataport
Go to the Agora website (German only)
Go to the GitHub repository
Special features
- Developed as open source software; uses Nextcloud, Discourse, Wiki, and Keycloak
- Web application – usable for all public health authorities
- Target group: Employees of the nearly 400 public health authorities in Germany – not a public-facing project
Facts and figures
Seven months until the go-live date for the minimum viable product (MVP)
80% of the approximately 400 public health authorities use the collaboration platform