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The digitalization partner for public administration

Two DigitalService employees are sitting in an office and looking at another person who can only be seen from behind. A clothes rack, cupboards and a pinboard are visible in the background.

We work closely with the federal government to design and implement innovative digital solutions

Facing a challenging digitalization project? Need a digitalization strategy? No problem.

Partnering with us means you can rely on our comprehensive expertise. Our specialists in software development, product management, transformation, design, and user research work seamlessly together to digitalize administrative processes with ease. We don’t just replicate analog processes digitally – we create user-centered solutions for large-scale digitalization projects and build them ourselves.

We are working for a digital Germany.

As a 100% subsidiary of the federal government, we always act for the public good and therefore in the interests of citizens. This makes us both a competent partner and a paragon of reliability for public administrations.

Leadership Team

Portrait picture of Christina Lang, CEO at DigitalService

Christina Lang
Chief Executive Officer

Portrait picture of Anja Theurer, CFO at DigitalService

Anja Theurer
Chief Financial Officer

Portrait picture of Stephanie Kaiser, CPO at DigitalService

Stephanie Kaiser
Chief Product Officer

Portrait picture of Magdalena Zadara, Chief of Staff & Strategy at DigitalService

Magdalena Zadara
Chief of Staff & Strategy

Porträtfoto von Bastian Quilitz, Interim CTO des DigitalService

Bastian Quilitz
Interim Chief Technology Officer

Portrait picture of Anna-Lisa Obermann, Head of People & Workplace at DigitalService

Anna-Lisa Obermann
Head of People & Workplace

Portrait picture of Clara Völker, Head of Product at DigitalService

Dr. Clara Völker
Head of Product

Portrait picture of Jutta Kling, Lead Project Management Office at DigitalService

Dr. Jutta Kling
Lead Project Management Office

Portrait picture of Martin Jordan, Head of Design & User Research at DigitalService

Martin Jordan
Head of Design & User Research

Portrait picture of Lisa Schönfelder, Head of Finance at DigitalService

Lisa Schönfelder
Head of Finance & Procurement

Portrait picture of Christian Müller, Head of Transformation & Program Lead Work4Germany

Christian Müller
Head of Transformation & Program Lead Work4Germany


A panel discussion with five participants on a stage. Christina Lang speaks into the microphone while the audience listens. In the background, a screen shows the title of the discussion “Bug fixing or system update? What we need now for a digital Germany”
January 2025

DigitalService opens its doors for the first Demo Day and welcomes over 100 guests from administration and politics. Together with our project partners, we present the results of our collaboration to date. At the panel discussion “Bug fixing or system update? What we need now for a digital Germany”, experts talk about the next steps for a strong digital state: Moderator Ann Cathrin Riedel, Managing Director of NExT e.V. Stefanie Kaste, Deputy Managing Director of Initiative D21; Luukas Ilves, digital politician and former CIO of Estonia; Christina Lang, CEO of DigitalService; Julia Jäkel, media manager and co-initiator of the non-partisan “Initiative für einen handlungsfähigen Staat”; and Dr. André Göbel, President of FITKO (from left). Further insights into Demo Day here.

Dezember 2024

The “Digital Legal Petition Office” team has digitalized the “Declaration of personal and financial circumstances for legal aid”. In addition to the easy-to-understand online service, citizens can find various websites for information and guidance on legal aid at:

An award with the inscription „Prize Winner 2024 - Prize for Good Administration“ stands on a stone pedestal outside, surrounded by autumnal foliage.
November 2024

The “Digital Legal Petition Office” team wins the “Prize for Good Administration 2024”! The project team accepted the award as one of three winning projects at the Public Service Lab Day in Leipzig. The jury of experts was particularly impressed by the human-centered development process, in which both citizens and court employees are involved.

A group of people, the 5th anniversary class of the Work4Germany Fellowship, stands on a terrace made of stone blocks. There are benches to the left and right, and office buildings can be seen in the background.
September 2024

The 5th anniversary year of the Work4Germany fellowship starts with 14 fellows working on various projects in the federal administration. The focus is on digital transformation and modern working methods that help to change the way, we work together on complex social challenges.

August 2024

The “Digital Legal Petition Office” team, together with the Federal Ministry of Justice, has reached the next milestone on the way to a fully digital application for assistance with legal counsel: Citizens can now fill out the application step by step and with clear explanations online at

July 2024

The Federal Ministry of Justice and the “Online Civil Court Procedure” team are launching the first online service on the subject of air passenger rights. At, citizens can quickly and easily find out about the requirements for compensation in the event of flight delays, cancellations or denied boarding with a preliminary check.

In the foreground, a laptop screen shows that more than 150 employees now work at DigitalService; in the background, numerous employees can be seen celebrating together in a blur
May 2024

The DigitalService team has now grown to over 150 employees. A reason to come together and celebrate.

November 2023

Following the migration of more than one million case law documents (e.g. court rulings), the New Legal Information System (NeuRIS) at the documentation center of the Federal Court of Justice is now in pilot operation.

All participants of the 4th Work4Germany year stand together on one stage
September 2023

The 4th Work4Germany cohort starts with 20 fellows working on 19 selected projects. For the first time, these have two thematic focuses: They are either digitalization projects or deal with ministerial legislative preparation.

The Federal Ministry of Justice and the team “Digitale Rechtsantragstelle (Digital Legal Application Office)” launch a beta version of a first online service for legal aid. On the website “Justiz-Services – Rechtsinformationen und digitale Anwendungen” (Justice Services – Legal Information and Digital Applications), citizens can find information and tips on how to apply and use a simple tool to check in advance whether they are entitled to legal aid.

People in a meeting in their first own office in August 2021. The office is partitioned off with a glass wall. In the office, one person presents on a screen, three others sit and listen.
August 2021

The team continues to grow and moves from a co-working space to its first own office in Berlin Kreuzberg.

Three participants of the interministerial working group at one table as part of the digital check.
August 2023

The German federal cabinet decides on key points for Digitalcheck (German only) and thus underlines that digital-ready laws are essential for the successful digital implementation of political projects. It is particularly innovative that instead of defining measures and solutions in advance, the cabinet agrees on an iterative, user-centric method and a cross-departmental approach – as practiced by the Digitalcheck team since the start of the project.

April 2023

Work4Germany has an unlimited temporary employment permit. Fellows enter into a fixed-term employment relationship with the DigitalService. They are assigned to a ministry for the entire duration of the contract - six months of the fellowship - and are legally equal to the employees there in all essential working conditions.

A laptop is open on a desk; the screen shows a slide from a presentation entitled “5 principles for digital laws”.
January 2023

The Digitalcheck, which we are developing in cooperation with the BMI, is being applied to new regulatory projects at the federal level. It sets the basic conditions for new laws to be digitally implementable in the future.

A person in an orange sweater holds a smartphone with a website open, while a laptop with the page “Property tax declaration for private property” can be seen on the screen in the background.
November 2022

The BundesIdent app is integrated into the online service “Grundsteuererklärung für Privateigentum” as an identification option – in addition to the ELSTER account or an activation code by letter. By the end of January 2023, the share of identifications with BundesIdent will increase to 19.9%.

A group of people walk down a sloping, tunnel-like entrance with high walls towards a brightly lit checkroom; the entrance is bathed in blue light; “Threshold of Change” is written at the top of the entrance
October 2022

Once again, more than 300 guests from politics, administration, media & digitalization accept our invitation to the Tech4Germany & Work4Germany closing event. The results of 38 projects in 16 federal ministries and agencies are presented.

Two smiling people are looking at a smartphone showing a group photo. One of the people is wearing a gray hoodie with the “Digital Service” logo.
September 2022

Virtually and on site in our office in Berlin we come together to celebrate that our team at DigitalService has now grown to over 100 employees.

Group photo of the 5th Tech4Germany cohort with over 60 scholarship holders and project partners. They are standing in a room with high ceilings. Curtains hang to the left and right.
August 2022

The 5th Tech4Germany year starts with more than 60 fellows and project partners. Together they will work on eight projects for three months.

July 2022

The online service “Grundsteuererklärung für Privateigentum (Property Tax Return for Private Property)”, developed jointly with the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF), is live. It supports private owners in filing property tax returns.

Group photo of the Work4Germany class of 2022.
May 2022

The 3rd Work4Germany cohort starts with a record participation of 30 fellows and change projects in 13 ministries and federal agencies.

"DigitalService4Germany GmbH" becomes "DigitalService GmbH des Bundes".

April 2022

The DigitalService team starts work on the first application for the BMJ and develops NeuRIS (New Legal Information System), a central place through which laws, ordinances and judgments at the federal level will be openly - and above all easily - accessible.

March 2022

The DigitalService software team is working on a second project for the BMF: As part of the property tax reform, we are developing a simplified digital tax service for determining property tax value - the "Property tax declaration for private property".

The Tax Guide - the simplified, pre-filled online tax form for people in retirement - is now available for the 2021 assessment year.

Screenshot from the online meeting with German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel at DigitalService.
October 2021

Chancellor Merkel pays a virtual farewell visit to DigitalService.

Closing event Tech4Germany & Work4Germany. Many people are sitting in a room. In the background is a wood-paneled wall.
October 2021

Tech4Germany and Work4Germany closing event with more than 300 guests from politics, administration, media and digitalization. Presentation of the results from 27 projects in 19 federal ministries and agencies.

Group of people at the start of the 4th Tech4Germany cohort in July 2021.
July 2021

Start of the 4th Tech4Germany cycle with 28 fellows and digital projects in 7 federal ministries and agencies.

June 2021

The first application of the DigitalService goes live. The Agora collaboration platform is designed to enable employees in the public health service to better network and exchange information with each other.

The second application, this time directly for citizens, is launched. Steuerlotse guides taxpaying seniors through a simplified online tax declaration in just a few minutes.

Group photo at the start of the 2nd Work4Germany year in May 2021.
May 2021

Start of the 2nd Work4Germany year with 20 fellows and change projects in 12 ministries and federal agencies. For the first time, with “Re-designing ministerial legislative preparation” a cross-departmental project is set up .

April 2021

Two more projects with the DigitalService software teams are launched: UseID aims to increase acceptance of the eID function of the ID card. Together with the Federal Ministry of Justice and the Federal Office of Justice, the development of a legal information system is being prepared.

February 2021

The Supervisory Board has been established and is meeting for its constituent session. Representatives from the Federal Chancellery, the Federal Ministries of the Interior and of Finance, as well as from academia, the entrepreneurial community and digital civil society are represented.

November 2020

The software unit starts with the development of 2 digital applications: With the Federal Ministry of Health and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the collaboration platform Agora is being developed. With the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Steuerlotse (tax pilot), which originally arose from a Tech4Germany project, is being continued.

October 2020

DigitalService4Germany starts its work. Build-up of the software development unit begins.

September 2020

4Germany is turned into a Bundes GmbH and renamed to DigitalService4Germany GmbH with the mandate to build an inhouse-software development unit for the German state.

#WirVsVirus hackathon final presentation with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel, Helge Braun, Doro Bär and Minister for Education Anja Karlizek.

Group photo start Tech4Germany 3rd year in July 2020
July 2020

Tech4Germany year 3 with 32 fellows and 6 ministries.

Frank Walter Steinmeier and Elke Büdenbender in conversation with Tech4Germany and Work4Germany
June 2020

Federal president Frank Walter Steinmeier and Elke Büdenbender visit Tech4Germany and Work4Germany during the German Digital Day.

Group photo Start Work4Germany pilot cohort in May 2020
May 2020

Work4Germany year 1 with 10 fellows and 10 ministries.

March 2020

Initiation and organization of #WirVsVirus Hackathon der Bundesregierung with 28,000 participants.

January 2020

Organization hires the first 8 employees.

Group photo for the presentation of the Tech4Germany results to the Federal Cabinet in November 2019.
November 2019

Tech4Germany presentation in front of all members of cabinets in Meseberg.

Tech4Germany closing event in October 2019
October 2019

Tech4Germany final presentation in front of 400 guests.

Selfie of the founding members of 4Germany UG in August 2019
August 2019

Sonja Anton, Christina Lang and Andrej Safundzic found 4Germany UG and secure state funding.

Group photo at the launch of Tech4Germany in July 2019
July 2019

First conceptual draft for Work4Germany by Christina and proposal to the Federal Chancellery.

April 2019

Idea for Work4Germany and presentation at the Chancellor's Office.

Group photo Tech4Germany closing event in September 2018
September 2018

Tech4Germany final presentations in front of the Head of the Federal Chancellery and Ministers of State.

Group photo at the start of Tech4Germany pilot year in June 2018
June 2018

Tech4Germany year 1 with 9 fellows and 2 projects under the patronage of the Head of the Federal Chancellery Helge Braun.

Supervisory Board

Julia Borggräfe stands in front of a light beige wall and looks into the camera with a slight smile; she wears a black blazer over a black top; her hair is short and graying

Julia Borggraefe

Dr. Julia Borggraefe is a lawyer and has worked at Metaplan since 2022 as Associate Partner and Co-Managing Director of Metaplan Gesellschaft für Verwaltungsinnovation. Before switching to consulting, she was Head of Department at the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), where she built up the department of Digitalization and World of Work as well as the Policy Lab Digital, Work & Society. Before that, she held several leadership roles in HR departments at various companies in the automotive and service sectors. She advises on strategy and organizational development as well as innovation and transformation processes, with a particular focus on digital transformation issues.

Supervisory Board member and federal CIO Markus Richter stands in front of a light gray stone wall and looks into the camera with a big smile showing his teeth; he wears a blue jacket, light blue shirt and dark red tie with blue and gold stripes; he has short, slightly graying hair

Markus Richter

Dr. Markus Richter is a fully qualified lawyer. After working at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees in the areas of personnel, organization, at the President's Office, and in the area of policy issues, he became Group Head of IT at the Federal Office of Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt) and, in 2018, Head of Department for Infrastructure and IT as well as CIO at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. In 2018, he became Vice President at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees and then, in May 2020, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for Construction and Home Affairs and Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology.

Supervisory Board member Julia Kloiber stands in front of a grey-blue background and smiles at the camera; she has short black hair and wears round golden-brown glasses and a black top; her lips are painted red

Julia Kloiber

Julia Elisabeth Kloiber holds a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree from the University of Applied Sciences Joanneum in Graz (Austria), with a focus on Information Design, and a Master of Arts from Utrecht University (The Netherlands), with a focus on New Media and Digital Culture. She founded the Germany-wide civic tech network Code for Germany and initiated the BMBF-funded Prototype Fund – she led both as Director until 2018. Since 2018, she has been a Senior Fellow at the Mozilla Foundation, focusing on future technologies and open source. Finally, in 2019, she founded Superrr Lab gGmbH, for which she now functions as the Managing Director. The institution researches the challenges and opportunities of new technologies for society.

Supervisory Board member Peter Parycek looks straight into the camera with a slight smile; he has short brown hair that is thin on top of his head; he wears a blue jacket and a light blue shirt; in the background it can be seen dimly and very blurry that he is standing outdoors on a street

Peter Parycek

Prof. Dr. Peter Parycek is, among other things, Head of the Department for E-Governance in Business and Administration at Danube University Krems and a member of the advisory board of the Austrian Research Foundation (Austrian: ÖFG). At the same time, he heads the Competence Centre Public IT (German: ÖFIT) at the Fraunhofer Fokus Institute Berlin in Germany. As a legal informatics specialist, he works at the intersection of legal policy, social and technological developments. From 2018 to 2021, he also was a member of the Federal Government's Digital Council.

Tabea Rößner, member of the Bundestag, smiles slightly at the camera; she has shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair, wears round black glasses and a green blazer over a silky shimmering top; in the background a glass facade of an office building can be seen

Tabea Roessner

Tabea Roessner has been a member of the German Bundestag for "Bündnis 90/Die Grünen" since October 2009. The politician dedicated herself early on to topics related to new media, the internet, and digital society and was a deputy member of the Digital Agenda Committee in the past two legislative periods. She has chaired the Digital Affairs Committee since December 2021. Before moving into politics, the Humanities graduate worked as a freelance journalist, author, and editor for ZDF, RTL, and various magazines.

Stefan Schnorr, State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport, is wearing a blue suit, white shirt and blue checked tie in front of a light gray background and smiles slightly at the camera; he has short brown hair and wears round charcoal gray glasses

Stefan Schnorr

Stefan Schnorr has been State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) since December 2021. Before joining the BMDV, he was Head of the “Digital and Innovation Policy” department at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, now BMWK. Stefan Schnorr is a trained lawyer and began his career as an administrative judge in Trier. In 1994, he moved into administration. Digital topics did accompany him since 2010 when he took over the management of the “Information Society, Media” subdivision and later the “Budget, Personnel, Organization, Information Technology (CIO)” subdivision in the then Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.

Aufsichtsratmitglied Heike Zirden blickt leicht lächelnd in die Kamera; sie steht vor einem hellen Hintergrund und trägt ein rotes Oberteil, welches in Ansätzen zu erkennen ist; sie trägt silberne Ohrringe und eine passende Kette dazu; ihre mittelblonden langen Haare sind zu einem Zopf nach hinten gebunden, eine Haarsträhne hängt neben ihrem linken Auge locker nach unten; sie trägt rosapinken Lipenstift und hat leicht geschminkte Augen

Heike Zirden

Heike Zirden joined the Federal Chancellery in March 2022 as a group leader in Department 6, where she is responsible for fundamental issues of transformation and digital policy and social dialogue. Previously, she established and managed the Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft (Digital Labor Society) think tank at the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The think tank tested new forms of collaboration and developed innovative solutions for the future of the digital working society.

Supervisory Board member Thomas Rieks stands in front of a light gray wall and looks into the camera with a slight smile; he is wearing a black jacket, a light blue shirt and a dark blue patterned tie; he has short brown-grey mottled hair

Thomas Rieks

Thomas Rieks holds a degree in Business Administration with additional relevant degrees, namely a Master of Science degree in Money, Banking and Finance (University of Birmingham), and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA Institute, Viginia, USA). Before working as a Government Director and Deputy Dead of Division at the Federal Ministry of Finance, he worked as an Acquirer and Analyst at Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg, as an Analyst at Rentenbank (Frankfurt) specializing in corporate finance, and as a Credit Manager, Analyst and Authorized Signatory at DekaBank (Frankfurt).