Roundtable auf dem GovTech-Gipfel kurz vor der Bundestagswahl
Unsere Geschäftsführerin Christina Lang wird beim Roundtable mitdiskutieren, ob und wie Querwechsler aus der Wirtschaft Treiber der Transformation in der Verwaltung sein können.
As the digitalization partner for public administration, DigitalService has set itself the goal of sustainably advancing the digital transformation of Germany. The aim is is to make user-centered digital services the standard in public administration.
To achieve this, DigitalService works closely with the federal government to develop and operate innovative digital solutions through interdisciplinary teams while establishing the necessary foundations. Even before DigitalService was founded, the Tech4Germany and Work4Germany fellowship programs brought technical and methodological expertise to the administration, helping to bring the benefits of new working methods to life and improve the implementation of digitalization projects.
DigitalService was established in October 2020 as a federally owned limited liability company and is wholly owned by the federal government. It emerged from the non-profit start-up 4Germany, which was founded in 2019.
All press releases about DigitalService's work in a chronological list – for a comprehensive overview of current and past news.
A compilation of media publications about our organization and our projects from the press, radio, and news portals.
Martin Jordan, Head of Design & User Research at Digital Service, is a guest on the Design Perspectives podcast. In a conversation about the transformative role of service design in public administration, he provides insights into the digitalization of public services in Germany and compares them with his experiences in the UK. The focus is on user-centered design, interdisciplinary collaboration and cultural change to gradually improve administrative culture and citizen-friendliness.
A Digital Agency for Germany. New year, new election, new digital debates: The election manifestos of all major parties naturally focus on digitalization to varying degrees. […] However, the manifestos rarely go beyond calling for a “real” digital ministry. […] In my view, a strong digital agency, centrally tasked with implementation management and equipped with the necessary authority to act, is more crucial than a digital ministry.
Read full article (in German)Logos and portraits for download – copyright: DigitalService GmbH des Bundes. We will be happy to provide further image material on request.
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Logo Work4Germany
Logo Tech4Germany
Portrait of Christina Lang, CEO
Portrait of Anja Theurer, CFO
Principal Communications Manager
+49 171 8670959
Mon + Wed: 9 am to 5:30 pm
Tue + Thu – Fri: 9 am to 3:30 pm
Access to Justice, NeuRIS
+49 170 6590272
Fellowship programs, Digital Strategy
+49 160 3602576
Digitalcheck, Servicestandard 2.0
+49 171 1721843