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About DigitalService

As the digitalization partner for public administration, DigitalService has set itself the goal of sustainably advancing the digital transformation of Germany. The aim is to make user-centered digital services the standard in public administration.

To achieve this, DigitalService works closely with the federal government to develop and operate innovative digital solutions through interdisciplinary teams while establishing the necessary foundations. Even before DigitalService was founded, the Tech4Germany and Work4Germany fellowship programs brought technical and methodological expertise to the administration, helping to bring the benefits of new working methods to life and improve the implementation of digitalization projects.

DigitalService was established in October 2020 as a federally owned limited liability company and is wholly owned by the federal government. It emerged from the non-profit start-up 4Germany, which was founded in 2019.

Press Releases

All press releases about DigitalService's work in a chronological list – for a comprehensive overview of current and past news.

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In the media

A compilation of media publications about our organization and our projects from the press, radio, and news portals.

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Logo eGoverment Verwaltung Digital

A guide for the new federal government

The general election is over and the coalition formation is in full swing. Especially in geopolitically unstable times like these, topics such as state resilience are of the utmost urgency. For this reason, Initiative D21 has published a new paper in cooperation with DigitalService and the Federal Agency for Breakthrough Innovation (SPRIND) (SPRIND).

Read full article (in German)
Name of the media outlet in German

Sooner or later: For a digital Germany – a column by Christina Lang

New coalition, new digital policy: the task now is to get a strategy for a digital Germany on track. I hope that we don't fall into typical patterns and get caught up in theoretical constructs, battles over responsibilities and assumptions that are far removed from the reality of the people we work for. [...] So how should we approach complex digitalization projects? Are there other ways out of theory? We show that there are: Yes, there are!

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Upcoming events and dates in which we are participating or which we are organizing ourselves.

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Logo des Creative Bureaucracy Festivals mit einer hellgrünen Glühbirne

Project Showcase beim Digital Kick-Off Day (Creative Bureaucracy Festival)

Beim „Digital Kick-Off Day“ des Creative Bureaucracy Festivals stellen wir das Projekt „Digitale Rechtsantragstelle“ mit dem Videobeitrag „Mehr Zugang zum Recht – Ein Kollaborationsmodell von Bund, Ländern und Gerichten“ vor. Unser Beitrag ist Teil des Community-Votings: Drei Gewinner des Showcase können ihre Projekte beim Creative Bureaucracy Festival im Juni auf der Bühne präsentieren.

Grafik zur Konferenz Digitaler Staat

Konferenz Digitaler Staat: Wie gelingen gute Verwaltungsdienstleistungen?

Mit welchen Kompetenzen und Arbeitsweisen gelingt die Digitalisierung der Verwaltung im Hier und Jetzt erfolgreich? Auf einem Side-Event geben wir gemeinsam mit unseren Projektpartnern einen Einblick in die Projekte und den Servicestandard.

Media library

Logos and portraits for download – copyright: DigitalService GmbH des Bundes. We will be happy to provide further image material on request.

Logo DigitalService
Logo Work4Germany
Logo Tech4Germany
Portrait of Christina Lang, CEO
Portrait of Anja Theurer, CFO

DigitalService Demo Day 2025

Impressions of the DigitalService Demo Day 2025 for download - picture credits: DigitalService GmbH des Bundes/Jana Legler. We will be happy to provide further images on request.

Photo selection Demo Day


Portrait picture of Julia Müller, Communications Manager at DigitalService

Julia Müller

Principal Communications Manager
+49 171 8670959
Mon + Wed: 9 am to 5:30 pm
Tue + Thu – Fri: 9 am to 3:30 pm

Portrait picture of Stefanie Schwerdtfeger, Communications Manager at DigitalService

Stefanie Schwerdtfeger

Portrait picture of Anne-Marie Pellegrin, Communications Managerin at DigitalService

Anne-Marie Pellegrin

Fellowship programs, Digital Strategy
+49 160 3602576

Portrait picture of Chiara Strobel, Communications Managerin at DigitalService

Chiara Strobel

Digitalcheck, Servicestandard 2.0
+49 171 1721843