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About DigitalService

As the central digitalization unit of the German federal government, DigitalService has set itself the task of sustainably advancing the digitalization of Germany and establishing agile software development and user-centered design as the standard in public administration.

To this end, DigitalService builds up internal development and methodological expertise for the federal government with interdisciplinary teams. Together with the federal administration, it develops user-centered digital services that measurably improve the interaction between citizens and the state. Through the Tech4Germany and Work4Germany fellowship programs, the in-house unit brings external digital experts and change experts to the federal ministries for several months to experience the benefits of new working methods and improve the implementation of digitalization projects.

DigitalService was established as a federally owned limited liability company in October 2020 and is wholly owned by the federal government. It emerged from the non-profit start-up 4Germany, which was founded in 2019.

Press Releases

All DigitalService press releases in a chronological list – for a comprehensive overview of current and past news.

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In the media

A compilation of media publications about our organization and our projects from the press, radio, and news portals.

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Logo of the online medium “move – moderne verwaltung”

Servicestandard is being revised

In cooperation with the DigitalService, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community will work on further developing the existing Servicestandard by the end of the year. The aim is to define a binding minimum level for the quality of OZG online services and other government online offerings.

Read full article (in German)
Logo Süddeutsche Zeitung Dossier

In depth: The long road to digital-ready law

If political goals cannot be translated into digital processes, it costs a lot of time and money – for citizens, companies, and the administration. The requirements for laws have changed significantly as a result of digitalization. However, they are still written in the same way as they were decades ago, “both in terms of skills and methodological approaches”, said Stephanie Kaiser, Chief Product Officer at Digitalservice des Bundes, a state-owned limited company within the remit of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI).

Read full article (in German)


Upcoming events and dates in which we are participating or which we are organizing ourselves.

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Logo EDV Gerichtstag 2024

33. Deutscher EDV-Gerichtstag: Zugang zum Recht über

In einer Podiumsdiskussion sprechen unsere Projektteams am 13. September über die Zusammenarbeit in der digitalen Produktentwicklung mit Partnerländern und Pilotgerichten und diskutieren darüber, wie wir von Nutzerbedürfnissen über Länderinteressen zu einheitlichen Lösungen für die deutsche Justiz kommen können.

Logo der Messe SCCON

Stadt. Land. Bund: Digitalkultur schaffen für eine zukunftsfähige Verwaltung!

Unter diesem Motto lädt das Team von Work4Germany herzlich zur Netzwerkveranstaltung ein. Gemeinsam mit Teilnehmenden aus öffentlichem wie privatem Sektor möchten die Kolleg:innen diskutieren, wie man nutzerzentrierte Digitalvorhaben und Digitalisierung in der Verwaltung durch Gestaltung einer Digitalkultur effizienter und wirksamer vorantreiben kann. Der Eintritt zur SCCON ist kostenfrei.

Media library

Logos and portraits for download. We will be happy to provide further image material on request.

Logo DigitalService
Logo Work4Germany
Logo Tech4Germany
Portrait of Christina Lang, CEO
Portrait of Anja Theurer, CFO


Portrait picture of Julia Müller, Communications Manager at DigitalService

Julia Müller

Head of Communications
+49 171 8670959
Mon + Wed: 9 am to 5:30 pm
Tue + Thu – Fri: 9 am to 3:30 pm

Portrait picture of Stefanie Schwerdtfeger, Communications Manager at DigitalService

Stefanie Schwerdtfeger

Portrait picture of Anne-Marie Pellegrin, Communications Managerin at DigitalService

Anne-Marie Pellegrin

Fellowship programs, Digital Strategy & Digitalcheck
+49 160 3602576