Corporate Governance
The Public Corporate Governance Kodex (PCGK) (German only) contains and defines the standards of good corporate and participation management for all companies and shareholdings of the Federal Government. It is a guideline from the Federal Government and sets standards for transparent and economic actions by publicly owned companies. For example, it specifies how corporate bodies are to cooperate, seeks to ensure continuous improvement of processes of the company and its institutions, and stipulates a transparency obligation with regard to the remuneration of the management.
DigitalService GmbH des Bundes is 100% owned by the Federal Government.
As a GmbH (roughly: private limited under German law) owned by the Federal Government, we publish a Public Governance Report every year. Supplementary documents to the annual financial statement are also provided.
Corporate Governance Report 2023 (German only)
Annex for 2023 (German only)
Appendix to the Annex for 2023 (German only)
Balance Sheet 2023 (German only)
Profit-and-Loss Statement 2023 (German only)
Management Report 2023 (German only)
Public Governance Reports from previous years:
Compliance Officer
Our employees, customers and business partners can report possible compliance violations to our external Compliance Officer. Reports can also be submitted anonymously to the compliance officer via the specially secured BKMS® reporting and communication system.
Compliance Officer for DigitalService GmbH des Bundes: Attorney Dr. David Albrecht
Phone number to call for a report: +49(0)30 318 685 933
E-mail address for submitting a report:
Further information here (German only).
Requests Based on the Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act (IFG) regulates the right of citizens to access official information from federal authorities and institutions. However, as a federally owned limited company, DigitalService is not subject to the IFG. Nevertheless, in line with our corporate value of being “Open by default,” we aim to be as transparent as possible and provide extensive information about DigitalService on this page.
In our case, the responsible authority is the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI). You can contact them at The BMI has also set up a contact form for IFG inquiries (German only).
Project contracts
As part of our “working in the open” approach, we focus on a high degree of transparency. Whenever possible, we try to publish contracts with our project partners.
Since the contracts are usually only issued in German, we list them here on our German website.
Servicestandard self-audits
In its project work, the DigitalService GmbH des Bundes is committed to the Servicestandard (German only) for digital administration issued by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community. As part of this, the digital development teams publish written reports with self-assessments on the fulfillment of the Servicestandard and to document their work.
The Servicestandard self-audits are currently only available in German and can be found here.
Acquisition documents
DigitalService was established as a federally owned limited liability company in October 2020. It emerged from the non-profit start-up 4Germany UG. In May 2022, it was renamed from DigitalService4Germany GmbH to DigitalService GmbH des Bundes.
4Germany UG Purchase Agreement (German only)
List of the parties acquiring DigitalService4Germany GmbH (German only)
Documents and communication relating to the acquisition of 4Germany UG (German only)
In case you have any questions regarding the acquisition of the 4Germany UG by the Federal Government, feel free to reach out via