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User-­centered, agile, driven by insight

An employee sticks different colored notes on a whiteboard and sorts them thematically

Developing software with agile methods

In software development, we adopt a modern method of working that is already established in the business world. The following principles and roles allow our teams to operate efficiently and effectively.

Our principles

We think user-centered

Our absolute focus on creating benefits for citizens means that we want to solve their problems – as quickly as possible. We construct digital services and products intended to help users overcome everyday obstacles. This also means that we approach the target group itself with work in progress and prototypes and seek critical feedback at an early stage. Our solutions should work better for everyone. This also means that they are not always the same for everyone. We tune our development work to the needs of the target group while keeping the diversity of the population in mind.

We work agilely and iteratively

Agility means, above all, that we regularly analyse our approach and our ideas, asking ourselves how well they align with reality, then draw conclusions from this analysis and modify what we have planned accordingly. Software and its functions are never "completed"; that's why we prefer to develop and operate them ourselves. We deploy changes day in day out, without any "big bang" moment or pushing a "red button". Productive operation is therefore a prerequisite and not just a goal. We like to release minimal viable products (MVP) already after 6-12 months. This is how we minimise risks and avoid development without taking into account the problems of users. We ensure consistency and predictability through a clear and user-centred product vision.

We are knowledge-driven in our actions

Agility and continuous rethinking need a solid underpinning and, most importantly, measurable impact. We are guided by key figures and facts and are not an implementation-first unit for unvalidated political guidelines or ideas from project partners. We are partners at eye level, and not service providers that merely implement. We combine qualitative and quantitative data to set priorities and use our working time efficiently. This also includes addressing solutions that do not achieve the desired effect honestly and openly.

In the DigitalService office, software code can be seen on a screen in the foreground; in the background, two employees are sitting at a table working

Interdisciplinary teams

We firmly believe that the complexity of public administration, the modern world and product development can only be managed by interdisciplinary teams that complement one another.

Regardless of their specialisation, all team members contribute their individual strengths equally to the design, development and operation of solutions and play their part in making our common principles a reality.


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UX/UI design

Our designers ensure that the solutions we devise provide users with a clear and consistent experience. They guide the discussions with the target group, test prototypes, develop usage flows and inclusive and usable interfaces with a focus on accessibility.

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Software development

Our developers plan and implement the necessary software so that it is resilient, scalable and maintainable. In early phases, they check the technical framework conditions and participate creatively in the conception. They are responsible for IT security and support data protection. These are taken into account from the very outset.

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Product management

Our product managers ensure that our solutions are sustainable and create value. They ensure that all functionalities are in line with the product vision to enable a coherent and focused offer. They develop strategies for the dissemination of the products to the target group and prioritise upcoming tasks based on goals and key figures. They often also organise the work performed by the interdisciplinary team.

Graphical representation of transformation management with different geometric shapes

Transformation management

Our transformation managers actively involve project partners in the product development process in a way that ensures a transparent flow of information, expertise, and feedback as well as joint decision-taking. In addition, they apply various methods and approaches to achieve the necessary changes in the project environment, like cross-departmental collaboration or cooperations between the federal and state governments.


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Project partners

Each of our teams needs one or more colleagues from the government authority working with us who actively and regularly participate in the development work. They create synergies and are an integral part of the team. They integrate the work into decision-making processes and procedures of government ministries and authorities, contribute the technical and administrative knowledge needed and establish contact with right persons in the public administration.