Toward a more efficient public administration
Toward a more efficient public administration
Work4Germany is the German federal government’s fellowship program that aims to establish new means of (collaborative) work in the digital age.
This is Work4Germany
Work4Germany is a fellowship program that has been bringing together private sector experts with a strong methodological background in new work (known as “fellows”) with employees of federal ministries and top-level federal authorities since 2020. During the six-month fellowship, they work in teams on challenges in (collaborative) work in the digital age, redesign workflows, and focus on iterative and user-centered working methods in various projects. They are supported by our experienced fellowship team and tailored exchange formats.
To fully understand what our Work4Germany fellows do, please check out our blog nachlesen.
Who can take Part

Every year, we look for motivated experts in new work in the private and non-profit sector. Together with a pioneer from the federal public administration, you will drive change over six months by modifying and implementing proven methods from the private sector in an administrative context in order to address current challenges.
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Federal authorities
Are you working in a top-level federal authority – and are you and your team looking for better ways to cope with the continuous challenges you face in (collaborative) work? Would you like to engage with innovative methods together with a Work4Germany fellow and put these into practice in your work to redesign processes and procedures and make them more user-centered?
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How Work4Germany works

The fellowship is designed to take us closer to a viable digital administration by creating the basis for more efficient and effective collaboration at various levels. After all, digitalization is not solely about tech-driven transformation – it also means changing the ways in which we collaborate. With the help of new working methods, Work4Germany wants to strengthen the effectiveness of federal public administration in the digital age. This is being achieved within the fellowship at individual level, in teams, and across organizational boundaries.
Long-term objective: to change the framework and structures so that ministerial staff are encouraged and supported to work independently, responsibly, and collaboratively. This will improve project implementation and result in better digital applications for administrations and citizens.