Parental allowance calculator
Straightforward parental allowance planning in partnership
Many people struggle to understand the various options in respect of parental allowance and the different ways it can be allocated between both parents. This is one reason why parents often choose the traditional approach where the mother receives the greater share of the joint parental allowance entitlement and takes on most of the caring responsibilities.
DigitalService is working with the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ) to optimize the parental allowance calculator. This can be used by prospective parents to determine which allocation of the parental allowance months works best for them and how much they are likely to receive. The integrated planner allows them to experiment with the various parental allowance options and find the most suitable combination for their individual circumstances. In this way, they can plan their receipt of parental allowance and make an informed decision once their child arrives.
Status: Development
Facts and figures
Research with 390 parents and 160 administrative employees
In live mode since February 2024 twelf releases with new features in the parental allowance calculator
Over 1 million users since the start of the project