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Two people are standing in front of a large screen in a meeting room. This shows a digital whiteboard with the heading

Digi­tali­za­tion of legal pro­cee­dings: First steps for On­line Civil Court Pro­ce­dure

The current legal system presents citizens and courts with major challenges: Citizens often do not know when they can sue in a matter, how expensive it will be or how the process will work. If they decide to file a lawsuit, a lot of information has to be submitted correctly. Errors often occur, which in turn lead to long processing times within the courts. The result: unnecessary additional work on both sides. Our “Online Civil Court Procedure” project aims to change this. In this blog post, we report on how we want to take the first steps towards fully online legal proceedings based on the use cases of “air passenger rights” and “payment claims up to 5,000 euros”.

The full blog post is currently available in German only.

Carina Haumering in front of a white wall

Carina Haumering

works as a UX designer at DigitalService. She studied communication design and worked in Deutsche Bahn's innovation lab after completing her studies. There she helped to develop future visions for sustainable mobility, designed prototypes and carried out qualitative user studies. In the "Zivilgerichtliches Online-Verfahren" project, she is responsible for identifying the needs of citizens and court employees and incorporating them into product development. She uses the findings from user research to continuously iterate designs and prototypes. In her free time, Carina is passionate about traveling by train and bike through Germany and Europe.

Felix Völkel

works as Senior Product Manager at DigitalService. He studied media informatics and then worked for sofatutor in the field of online education. Among other things, he was responsible for improving digital teaching and products for schools, teachers and students. His heart beats for user-centered product development with continuous discovery and the involvement of interdisciplinary teams. As project manager for the "Zivilgerichtliches Online-Verfahren", he is responsible for creating the framework conditions to enable user-centered product development, driving product development and working on strategic development in cooperation with the team and project partners. In his free time, he enjoys long walks with his dog, cycling and reading books.