From whiteboard to roadmap – how to make a digital strategy usercentric
When Önder greets us at Entrance 1 of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), it seems as if he has been working here forever: He leads us through four floors over patterned carpeting, through the reception courtyard and at least three winding corridors until we reach the roof. This is where the offices of the ZB1 department are located, which Önder moved into in September 2023 – as a Work4Germany Fellow. And he wants to stay here even longer: He has extended his fellowship by six months. Sitting at the table with him is Julia, with a Work4Germany cup in her hand – “purely by chance”, as she emphasizes with a smile. She is Önder's project partner and brought the fellowship into the team. And perhaps the “purely by chance” really is true, as the office walls are adorned with posters in Work4Germany designs. The Fellowship has really found its way into the BWMK. In this interview, Julia and Önder explain how it worked out.