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How the Servicestandard supports the development of digital government services

When we digitalize administrative services, we have to make sure that we digitalize them well. Quality standards are therefore essential for the development process. The Servicestandard developed by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (German only) has been published and in use at various locations (German only) for just under three years. It is a guideline that defines the quality standards for digital communication and interaction between the federal government and users. It was developed to work on making federal government services more user-centric, accessible, efficient, and transparent. More than any other existing administrative tool, the Servicestandard describes good digital development practices.

In this blog post, we give an overview of how DigitalService has contributed to the Servicestandard since its release, how we have used it so far and how we want to work with it in the future.

The full blog post is currently available in German only.

Portait picture of the author Caroline Merz

Caroline Merz

has been working as Senior Transformation Manager at DigitalService since the beginning of 2022. Prior to that, she worked for just under five years as Program Manager for Design Thinking Training at the Hasso Plattner Institute. She is a trained Scrum Master and guides teams and organizations to deliver projects and products in an iterative and user-centric way. Caroline has a background in humanities, publishing and marketing. With her little daughter, she loves to spend time dancing and playing in the playgrounds of Berlin.

A portrait photo of Debbie Blume

Debbie Blume

was a Senior Product Manager at DigitalService until December 2023. As a sociologist by degree, she has been dealing with what makes people tick for over ten years – first as a UX Designer, later in the role of Product Manager. Before DigitalService, she worked for IBM iX, where she was able to design services and information offerings for and with citizens and administrative staff. When she's not swinging with her daughter on the playground, she can usually be found somewhere by the water, in a café or on her yoga mat.

A portrait photo of Martin Jordan in the DigitalService office

Martin Jordan

works as Head of Design at DigitalService. Previously, he was Head of Service Design at the Cabinet Office in London for over six years. There, at the Government Digital Service, he pushed forward the digital transformation of the British administration and its administrative services. In his private life, he loves porridge. His goal is to compete in the Porridge World Cup at some point and win the Golden Spurtle, the Scottish stirring spoon.