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A person looks at a large, white poster on a wooden wall. The poster shows various points of the idea of a revised service standard with a blue heading and text. Black screens hang next to it.

Collaborative and user-centered: de­vel­op­ing the service standard further

Whether it's registering your place of residence, filing a tax return or applying for parental allowance - the public and businesses alike expect good digital services. In order to successfully develop such services, comprehensive quality standards are essential. Back in 2020, the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) defined quality criteria for good digital services with the service standard. However, these have been applied too rarely to date - which is one of the reasons why it is now being further developed.

The BMI and DigitalService have been working on “Service Standard 2.0” since summer 2024. The aim is to improve the service standard for users and adapt it to European standards. We present important findings that we have gained since the start of the project in this blog post.

The full blog post is currently available in German only.

Portrait picture of the author Luise Kranich

Luise Kranich

has been the Head of Division at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (BMI) since April 2022. She is currently responsible for “Framework Architecture, Standardization for Platform Systems and Digital Services” in the “Digital Administration” department. Previously, she coordinated the implementation programs for the Online Access Act (OZG). Until 2022, she worked at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology, where she oversaw the research area “Innovation, Strategy, and Transfer,” among other responsibilities. In her spare time, the industrial engineer advocates for greater equal opportunities in the tech sector.

Portrait picture of the author Stefan Matanovic

Stefan Matanovic

works as a Senior Transformation Manager at DigitalService. Together with our colleague Robert, he leads the project to further develop the service standard. Previously, he spent five years as an Innovation & Design Manager at Accenture, where he supported the digital transformation of private and public organizations. Outside of work, he enjoys going on extended bike packing tours or hiking in mountain huts.

Portrait picture of the author Robert Tiedt

Robert Tiedt

is a Senior Product Manager at DigitalService. Together with our colleague Stefan, he leads the DigitalService project to further develop the service standard. In his previous roles, he served as Head of Product Management at brands4friends and helped establish the Austrian marketplace for ImmobilienScout24.

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