- How we work
- Who we are
- Projects
- Fellowships
- 365 days Work4Germany: Cylclical work with a variety of skills
- Agora - The new collaboration platform for the public health service
- Current example of digital-ready legislation: the German Electricity Duty Act
- A last cup of coffee with ... Philipp, Managing Director at DigitalService
- A cup of coffee with ... Benjamin Degenhart
- A cup of coffee with … Bob, Office Manager at DigitalService
- A cup of coffee with … Dirk, UX/UI Designer at DigitalService
- A cup of coffee with … Jörg, Principal Product Manager at DigitalService
- A cup of coffee with ... Julian Rösner, Senior Software Engineer
- A cup of coffee with ... Jutta, Head of Transformation at DigitalService
- A cup of coffee with ... Lisa, Head of Finance at DigitalService
- A cup of coffee with … Moritz, Working Student in the Communications team
- A cup of coffee with … Petya, Lead Agile Coach at DigitalService
- A cup of coffee with … Sonja, Senior User Researcherin at DigitalService
- Digital access to justice: breaking down complexity
- Co-creation: How we work together with the Federal Court of Justice
- Communities of Practice: Catalysts of effective government transformation
- The legal construct behind Work4Germany
- Reducing the ecological footprint based on data
- Bridging the data gap: How we are advancing Digitalcheck – driven by data
- The legislative process in seven meters: Digitalcheck service landscape
- Digitalcheck: Five principles for digital-ready legislation
- Digitalcheck: Refining the beta version step by step
- Digital Identities: BundesIdent ends after pilot phase, findings will be incorporated into overall project
- Digital identities: Recommendations for action from our BundesIdent project
- What we have learned about assistance with legal counsel through user research
- Digitalization of legal proceedings: First steps for Online Civil Court Procedure
- Digital Strategy - A learning space for cooperation is created
- Digital strategy - findings and methods for interministerial cooperation
- A cup of coffee with… Anja, CFO at DigitalService
- In-depth insights into management: Experience report of two Work4Germany fellows
- From Sprint to Phase: Results from the "Access to Justice" discovery sprint
- Promoting skills and methods sustainably at the federal level
- Air passenger rights: digital civil lawsuit is being implemented
- "Property tax declaration for private property": We take stock
- Half-time for submitting property tax returns
- Interview with Senior UX Designerin Charlotte
- Interview with Compliance Manager Julie
- Interview with Designer AC
- Interview with Software Engineer Frederike
- Interview with Head of Growth Anika
- Interview with Product Lead Magdalena
- Interview with Product Manager Carolin
- Interview with Software-Entwickler Klaus
- A cup of coffee with … Talent Acquisition Partnerin Annemie
- Interview with Managing Director Philipp
- One year in: Digitalcheck has become established
- No digital offering is barrier-free – how we want to change that
- Collaborative and user-centered: developing the service standard further
- Communication is more than spoken language – three experience reports
- Between inception and implementation: lessons learnt and challenges as take-aways from DigitalService's first year
- Part 2: 10 learnings from 3 years of Tech4Germany
- Magic Links: Secure and password-free use of our service for property tax returns
- Enhancing public administration with design
- Interministerial cooperation can work with these measures
- Support user-centered administrative modernization with communication design
- Using visualization to develop digital-ready legislation
- New website: Examples of digitally compatible regulations
- Next stop "Property Tax": New online tax service to support private property owners in the reform process
- Legal information turn into open data: New project with Federal Ministry of Justice picks up pace
- NeuRIS: The roadmap for the MVP is set, product development begins
- One million documents migrated: New Legal Information System in pilot operation
- New Legal Information System: Where we are in the project right now – and how the MVP has changed.
- Digitalization of Justice: projects with the Federal Ministry of Justice enter the next phase
- Open source: Why – and how?
- Organizational development with Agile Coaching
- Practical Mobility Data Act: A Work4Germany experience report
- Digital Identities
- Digitalcheck – Establishing the foundations for a digital state through digital-ready legislation
- Law, but understandable – Legal Design
- RKI and Dataport take over: We say goodbye to Agora
- Servicestandard ist gut, Schulterblick noch besser
- Security, standardization, support: our platform team
- Seven hurdles and countless opportunities for basic components in Germany
- The cornerstones of software development at DigitalService
- Steuerlotse: Online tax return for pensioners and retirees
- Tax guide for pensions is terminated
- Convincing through implementation: The strategic thrust for DigitalService for 2022 and beyond
- Tech4Germany 2023: The fellowship takes time for further development
- Three months engineering fellow at Tech4Germany: I would have liked to know that beforehand
- Experience report from product fellow Katja: so much drive, so much confidence
- No fellowship without fellows: application and recruitment process at Tech4Germany
- Part 1: From Tech4Germany to DigitalService - from student initiative to federal GmbH
- No fellowship without projects: application and selection process at Tech4Germany
- Digital Identities: Initial findings from the test operation of BundesIdent
- Transformation management in the judicial landscape
- About level, money and fairness: our new salary system
- Our (new) values. Working together successfully.
- Perpetuation: better to think about it right from the start
- From the Fellowship to the Chancellery: Project "New Work"
- From whiteboard to roadmap – how to make a digital strategy user-centric
- How the National Regulatory Control Council is helping to co-create the Digitalcheck
- How the Servicestandard supports the development of digital government services
- How practical and digitally implementable laws are developed
- How user research roles systematize user centricity
- How we will continue to develop Digitalcheck in 2024
- How we work with federal and state governments to digitalize the application for assistance with legal counsel
- How we strengthen the Digital Strategy's lighthouse projects through networking
- How we understand and involve users in the development process
- How Work4Germany contributes to a new digital culture in the federal administration
- Workshop on reuse: learning to visualize and strengthening digital suitability
- Careers
- Sign language
- Location and accessibility
- Data privacy
- Vorschlag: Demo Day Nachnutzung
- Accessibility statement
- Glossary
- Home
- Legal notice
- Easy read
Press Releases
- Anja Theurer appointed CFO at the German Federal DigitalService
- Change in the executive team: COO Philipp Möser leaves DigitalService
- New Supervisory Board for the Federal DigitalService
- Five years of Work4Germany: launch of the fellowship program in 2024
- "Grundsteuererklärung für Privateigentum": Free online service provides support for property tax reform
- “Grundsteuererklärung für Privateigentum” can now also be used with an ELSTER account
- Organizational structure of DigitalService on track
- Work4Germany & Tech4Germany: Federal Government Fellowship Programs Start New Legislature with Record Participation
- Simplified online tax return for pension & retirement
- Work4Germany: application phase for fellowship program 2023 started
- Tips for timely submission by January 31, 2023
- Work4Germany: Fellowship program at federal level starts fourth round
- In the Media
- 33. Deutscher EDV-Gerichtstag: Zugang zum Recht über
- Agile HR Conference 2024
- Basecamp
- Bonner Behördenforum
- Breakout-Session beim Formfest 2024: Involving the right parties in the form design process
- Bürokratieabbau/ SCCON
- CBF: Gesetzgebung der Zukunft
- CityLAB Communities to Practice
- CityLAB Länder, Bundesministerien und gemeinsamer Qualitätsstandard
- CityLAB Papier zum Leben erwecken
- »Continuous Lifecycle» [ContainerConf]
- Deep Dive auf der SCCON
- „Digitale Barrierefreiheit“: Treffen der NExTcommunity Nutzerzentriertes Design
- Digitale Justiz/ SCCON
- Digitaler Staat
- DigitalService am Govdigital-Stand
- DigitalService auf dem CBF
- DS auf dem CBF 2
- Ds auf der WeareDevelopers
- DS auf Zukunftskongress
- FWD50
- Girls’Day@DigitalService: IT-Entwicklerinnen für ein digitales Deutschland
- Govtech-Gipfel
- International Design in Government: Helsinki
- Meetup #5 — Innovating public healthcare
- Meetup creating better policies
- Mensch und Computer 2024: Kann die Justiz nutzerzentriert?
- Netzwerktreffen auf der SCCON
- Nordl@nder Kongress
- Piazza Workshop
- SDD Berlin End of the Year Event: Public Service Design
- Semic: digital-ready policymaking
- Servicestandard/ SCCON
- Treffen der NExTcommunity zum Thema „Formular Design“
- DigitalService auf der republica
- Zukunftskongress: Führung in der Polykrise
- Zukunftskongress: Glückliche und effektive Verwaltung
- Zukunftskongress: Was kommt nach dem OZG?
Press Releases
- Servicestandard-Bericht „Steuerlotse für Rente und Pension"
- Servicestandard-Bericht „Grundsteuererklärung für Privateigentum"
- Servicestandard-Bericht Servicekomponente „BundesIdent“
- Zwischenreport Servicestandard-Bericht Online-Dienst „Beratungshilfe beantragen“ (Vorab-Check und Gerichtsfinder)
- Zwischenreport Servicestandard-Bericht Online-Dienst „Elterngeldrechner“
- Zwischenreport Servicestandard-Bericht Online-Dienst „Geld bei Flugproblemen einfordern“ (Vorab-Check)
- Zwischenreport Servicestandard-Bericht Online-Portal „“ (Suchen)